Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally getting things rearranged

Lately, I've been getting out more. While this is a good thing, it brought up an issue I have not had for quite some time, worrying about what to wear.
My typical attire is decidedly frump-tastic, old, and really downright boring. Fantastic for a day of dishes and futzing in the garden, not so great for when Darling Husband announces, "Oh, by the way we are going out." (It's festival season around here, frequently involving food and drink.)
The latest pronouncement of this statement sent me into a bit of a tizzy. I went digging through the back of my closet looking for something appropriate, as this was a more adult evening outing. I found things I could wear, just barely. I may have panicked just a touch. In my head, it doesn't matter if the item in question has not been worn in almost 17 years, it should fit. Right? (Yes, I have clothing that old in my closet. Yes, I probably need new clothes.)
Faced with what I deemed, "the attack of the squidgy", and a deadline eleven days hence, I set to work. I have not yet been brave enough to try some of the offending clothing back on, even though things have started to rearrange themselves more to my liking.
While what I look like in my clothes is decidedly a dip in the shallow end of the thought pool, it is at least a minor, temporary distraction from the current events that cause me, (and tons of other people), no end of worry.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The boots that ate September

Darling daughter turned sixteen last month. The festivities started three weeks before her actual birthday with the purchase of these boots. It became a blur after that. The rest of the month was devoted to finding the other things on her birthday list and the things she wanted to do.

The first week of October was eaten by a knit top I insisted on having done for a festival the second weekend of the month.

And now, now is time for damage control on the semi-neglected housework, putting up the Halloween decorations that usually go up the day after Daughter's birthday, and getting back to the gift knitting (there's still 6 items left on the short list, no they are not all small items). The goal is to have all the house related stuff fully accomplished in the next 3 days so I can devote more time to the gift knitting. I may be being overly optimistic.

Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.