Saturday, September 8, 2018

Small Gray Knitting is Now Larger Gray Knitting

My Elemental shawl continues to grow.  I have a longer cable on the way as my stitches are starting to get squished. (Sorry for the lighting, smoke is back in the air and makes good pictures difficult)
My Autumn League has started looking like a sweater, but it's not very exciting on the needles.  It is fantastic for knitting while reading though.
And what I am personally calling my Nightmare Before Julgran is finally showing some progress.
There is alkanet root steeping in a mix of olive oil with a bit of avocado oil for tinting lip balms (that I finally bought containers for).
My holly plant bloomed!
And I wore some of my knitting out of the house (not a great shot of the Dockside sweater but not everyone likes the marled look) and I made mine way shorter so there isn't a whole lot to see really.

At some point, I will get my sock mojo back and finish all the amazing socks I have on the well as getting to work on the solid three dozen kits I've put together that are marinating in stash.  Must. Finish. Giant. Gray. Things. First.

Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.