Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Goal Has Been Set

Inspired by Nu(de) Motivation I decided it was time to get off my rear. I have a semi-milestone type birthday coming up in the far enough away future to be a good finish line, but close enough to make a good prod. I have a friend willing to make the attempt with me. All that was needed was a little get up and go. Easier said than done. It's taken me a month of half-hearted attempts, never really putting it all together. More water, small changes in diet. As of today I have finally managed to get in workouts two days running. Even if it did require forcing myself out of bed a bit earlier than I wanted.
A large bit of the problem has been complacency. A disturbing willingness on my part to accept myself as a standard, slightly out of shape housewife. Aiming for the high end of average, frequently only hitting mediocre.
This has got to change. The time has come to light a fire under my behind. Hula three times a week for cardio. Yoga(flexibility) and a bit of weight lifting(strength) twice a week. Actually combining the better eating, (not constantly snacking on little cheese crackers or a doughnut stashed for just such an occasion) and proper active exercise(not just the housekeeping).
Here's hoping the fire stays lit!

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.