Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Lamentations of a (Spoiled and) Easily Distracted Knitter

I have been knitting for the better part of fifteen years.  It became my primary craft choice almost immediately.  I have been buying yarn pretty much monthly...for fifteen years.  I tend to buy yarn specifically for certain patterns/projects.  What this really means, I have enough projects kitted up to knit without purchasing anything for the next five to ten years. 
I am also not a monogamous knitter.  On any given day there will likely be at least a dozen projects on the needles being semi-actively worked on.
Normally, this is not an issue.  I get teased a bit as I am constantly surrounded by a hill of works in progress, but that's about it.
For various reasons, I am having to curate my projects and projects in potentia down to something a bit more travel sized.  I have done this before without any problems. 
This time, however, the duration of the travel time is not definitive; could be a month, could be almost a year.  Cue my brain whimpering, "But what if I run out of yarn?!?!"
Which is why the "travel stash" has been whittled down to a solid years worth of projects (minus three shawls and a sweater likely to be finished in the next few weeks):
My brain knows that this amount of yarn is just impractical.  That square bin in the bottom photo?  It's an eleven inch cube(yarn is squishy and it has no lid).  Almost exclusively hand-dyed indie yarn.  My entire collection of Potion Yarns and Nerd Girl Yarns sit in that bin with some random Blue Moon Fiber Arts and (now) Verdant Gryphon.  That is an art collection made of yarn!  And while yes, it is "just stuff" I also really like the people who run those shops, so I get a bit emotionally attached to the yarn.  Some of the skeins were a limited edition, others discontinued.  Running out and buying another skein is not an option for most of them.

The question is rapidly becoming, "Do I have one bag big enough to cram all that yarn in?"
Then I can honestly say, "But it's only one bag."

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.