Sunday, December 29, 2019

Taking a Pause

Sitting in a nice hotel room, balcony door open, listening to waves crashing on the shore.  The sensation of not having to do anything or be anywhere, alien and welcome.
This year started with great stress.  The year before that was rather a lot as well.  
Being able to pause, take a breath, and maybe regain a little balance before the new year begins seems like a really good thing.

I am incredibly  grateful for it, (it's  my third  vacation-type excursion  in twenty-four years).

May you also manage  to find some breathing space. At some point.  Eventually.  Far more often than once every  eight years! ;-)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Winter Solstice!

Because festive bats should totally be a thing!  May your celebrations bring you joy!

Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.