Friday, February 27, 2009


That is the word for February. I've had the attention span of a gnat. I fouled up the seaming on a sleeve on a top I had mostly completed, so instead of being angry and ripping out the seam, I put it down and started a brand new sweater. The new sweater is over a third done, it's been 3 days. I've bought sock yarn so bright as to make Boyo wince, in colors that make Darling Husband cringe. I rather like them and proceeded off on a tangent to find perfect sock patterns for such demanding yarn, to prove to them both that I picked fantastic yarn. Then, there was the bout of yarn exhibitionism in which I felt the need to photograph and post pictures of yarn stash at hand (not all of it, that would take far too long), with details of how much I have and what colors on Ravelry. I had to convince myself that I didn't need a Coraline sweater with glow in the dark stars right this instant, in colors from the book, not the movie. I've found and hoarded more patterns than I could possibly knit, figured out what yarns to use and calculated costs. Seeds have been started and a tiered raised bed planned and plotted for the front yard. I've finished reading three books, one while making dinner one evening, and have started a fourth.

Has anyone else had this problem? The feeling that you must do everything right now? Or do I just have a really bad case of Spring Fever?

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.