Wednesday, March 18, 2009

By Sock and Sweater or How I Survived the Car Saga part 2

The sweater came into major focus over the 4 days after the car died. Darling Hubby did not take the lack of vehicle well. He worried. He made phone calls, pacing the house waiting for people to call him back. His massive agitation and lack of focus was contagious. Doing more than two tasks in a row was almost impossible. My standard barrel through the house cleaning during the afternoons came to a standstill. Hubby trying to distract himself with games and movies only succeeded in distracting me as well. Knitting anything on small needles wasn't going to happen. I needed instant gratification. Something uncomplicated on large needles with bulky yarn. It's not that I wasn't worried myself, it's that I couldn't be if Hubby was. Someone had to stay calm, remember to make real food, and order the groceries. Luckily, Hubby works with an amazingly sweet man who let us borrow one of his cars so Darling Husband calmed down a bit.
That Friday was a field trip I wish I could have skipped. We all ventured forth to go car shopping. It was a requirement we all go as we had to make sure we would all fit in the chosen vehicle, growing teenagers require leg room. There was the standard obnoxious car salesmen and there were some that were actually decent. More work was done on the sock. I was pleased to note that at least one car salesman was rather disturbed by the sock, even left in a hurry when I smiled at him while knitting. Over that weekend, a car was decided upon. Roomy, comfortable, new and a lovely silver in our price range. Hubby drove it home Monday and things were much calmer. There was still another week of worrying over the old car. What to do with it? This caused a bout of finishing on the sweater as Husband himmed and hawed, finally deciding to sell it off to one of the local scrap metal places. The sweater was completed the day the old car was sold off. So the Car Saga ends favorably; a new car obtained, the old one no longer a worry, and I have a new rockin' sweater that looks even more fantastic on than I thought it would.

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