Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I swatched.

I am really trying to stick to my list of things to knit this year. Seasons of Love  was an impulse cast on, but uses up stash yarn, so it's not too far off course.  It's also now about three quarters of the way complete and I am trying to finish it by the end of January.
I did pull out yarn for three other projects actually on said list; the Igor'th Thawl. the Hyde Sweater and the Rizzo sweater.  I swatched for all three.  Not huge swatches, but at least four inches (10 centimeters) wide(except the shawl as I just had to like the fabric), washed and blocked so I could even check row gauge.
As I was conscientiously knitting away on things already warming my needles, I couldn't stop thinking about the skein of Nevermore (special colorway for last years Poe kit) from Potion Yarns waiting to become a Corvida.   So I wound the yarn, thinking that maybe it would be enough to just play in the yarn for a was not.
While the colors are not my usual, the colorway is making me absurdly happy while I work on the shawl.  The finished item will also be perfect with a black dress or three that reside in my closet.

In my defense, the shawl pattern was on the list and kitted up with the yarn already.

The Hedgewitch pattern is another story though.  The pattern has been in my favorites for a year.  Every time I see a finished one, my brain wants to cast on the giant, woolly goodness immediately.  That would require buying yarn, which I've not done since October. 

We do have a craft room, though right now it's rather a catch-all space.  The inversion table, folding chairs, table linens, spare blankets and other random bits have found a home there for the moment.  It is also the lowest priority on the organization list...and it shows:

It's also the first time we've had a room just for the making supplies, (yes, we, it's not just my stuff in there), so I am going to have to find storage solutions.  Previously, if it lived in a bin, it likely was in the garage and if it was in a project bag, it got crammed into the linen closet or a random corner.  Now, there is finally dedicated space...and I am not quite sure what to do with it. ;-)

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.