Saturday, March 30, 2019

Not the post I had planned

I was going to post pictures of the multitude of projects I have on the needles right now.  This changed a couple of days ago, and now I am trying to knit a cropped, short sleeved black cardigan in a week.
The pattern is a heavily modified Montrey with buttons purchased from my local JoAnns, in black Valley Yarns Charlemont from Webs out of stash.  Half the body is done.  Half the first sleeve is done.  Housework may have to suffer.  This cardigan will get done.
In slightly less urgent sounding news, I got a new water bottle:
Yes, it is a metal water bottle made to look like wood.
I also bought stickers to put on it.  I couldn't have a boring water bottle! 
They may not all be put on the water bottle, we'll just have to see.  I did grow up in the '80's though, so coating something in stickers seems like a wonderful idea! 

Now back to knitting the cardigan!

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.