Friday, March 15, 2019

Doughnuts, Unreasonable Craft Goals and Hair

First and foremost; they opened a huge new Albertsons just a few minutes from the house.  Shouldn't be at all exciting right?  Wrong.  It is one of the most amazing grocery stores I have ever been in!  The store has standards like a bakery, meat counter and well as places where you can grab poutine, a bison burger, fried chicken or a poke bowl.  They make tortillas fresh and there is a bar in the grocery store!  The selection was outstanding.  The produce was some of the best I have seen in ages!  I may have called it "Food Disneyland."  The only down side is that everybody else seems to love it too, so it is quite busy, pretty much all the time.
We may have bought a smattering of their doughnut taste test of course.  And that giant apple fritter just seemed to hop into the cart.  It was all quite tasty!

I finally finished my Sea Witch hat:
I've put in a bit more work on my crochet scrap blanket:

I also cast on a heavily modified Brenda in Winter Night blue:
I also realized just yesterday, that maybe I should be working on items that I could wear during the Spring and Summer...and I probably didn't need another Winter hat right this instant.  So on top of the list I already had planned for the year, I made a list of things I want to knit to wear in warmer weather.  There are twelve tops on that new list.  Those twelve do not include the five warm weather tops on the original list, nor the six other cold weather sweaters (three for other people) I would like done before Fall comes round again.
And because it is a Summer Knit List, none of the sewing projects (that I cut out last year) are on the list.
Even the brain that came up with these grand plans, trying to rationalize such a crazy amount of things to finish by say, the end of this May (at least for most of the sewing and a handful of the knit tops), is questioning the actual feasibility of this endeavor.
Part of this likely comes from the fact that I cut my hair (which totally requires new clothes, right?).  It's still just a bit longer than shoulder length, but I now have chin length bangs.  This is the most dramatic change in the styling of my hair for a solid twenty years.
Still not sure how I feel about the look yet.  It also requires actually doing something with my hair.  The most effort I've put into my hair most of my adult life is kept it trimmed and dye it red.  This is definitely new territory.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.