Friday, November 22, 2019

A Pea on the Windowsill

My winter windowsill garden actually produced something!  Which has me wondering if indoor window boxes are a thing and how would that work? Can you get them built in?  Because I must grow all the plants!
It's a wee thing that brings great joy.  There are tiny tomato plants too!
Most of my knitting hasn't been overly exciting.  I adore the pieces; wearable, simple and useful.  Two sweaters, Morticia and the Felix cardigan (done in black and dark charcoal gray), a Little Black Skirt (done in black of course), off set by my second Ripple Bralette worked in Nerd Girl Yarns Glow Cloud.
The finished pair of fingerless mitts are for Daughter, the blue ones in progress are for Son, using leftovers from the hats I made them in January.

Really, I sit in a rudimentary fort made of partially finished socks and sweaters, hoping that proximity will equal progress, waiting for (yet more) yarn that I may cast on my Lisbeth set to perfect my ever more Addams Family-like wardrobe.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.