Sunday, February 9, 2020

I told myself I had enough yarn....

And technically, I did...until Husband saw that the Geek Along Blanket theme this year was D&D.  I did not have yarn for that, though now I've made a start.
In my digital yarn wanderings I may have also found out that Blue Moon Fiber Arts has an Esme Weatherwax colorway
The other big skein is Clothos, from the same collection as Esme.  The small green and yellow one is called Tree Toots (how could I not get that?!?!)   The other two skeins are Oola Pikka for an Elfmail sweater.
Yarn for the Kawakawa Shawl was found in the yarn hoard,(I am afraid it is no longer just stash), in the Toad colorway.
Two patterns that came out really recently, the Indira Cowl and Buffalo Check Please? Throw were purchased immediately.  Yarn for the throw may have already been purchased.
Another two patterns, both from the same designer, are patterns I have swooned over for ages and finally decided that if I had the patterns, I could at least contemplate what yarn to use.  Adventurous and All the Lights are my favorite kind of cardigan style covered in glorious cables.

In the swirl of yarn fumes, I realized that I also wanted to start making beeswax wraps.  So I bought some dedicated fabric. Not overly exciting right?  Then I put the fabric with the yarn I bought to make a few kitchen towels. Only to discover I was accidentally color coordinated.

I already had easily thirty (which I really need to take proper photos of), probably more like forty, items of various craft types I wanted to make this year, and have quite recklessly added at least another dozen.  ( I may have heard a family member was extolling their love of cashmere recently.  Plans are being made.)  Which is why I went into the room that houses my hoard, grabbed the multiple skeins of bulky weight Bernat Blanket in the Gathering Moss colorway (it's a rather ishy color, but super soft yarn) and cast on one of the half dozen blankets I apparently think I am going to finish this year.
If I manage to clear all my works in progress off my needles and out from around my sewing machine, I feel like I will still be behind, albeit surrounded by handmade everything.

None of this includes any of my gardening plans.  So. Many. Seeds.

Happily, I can knit and read at the same time so at least I can get through my stack of unread books!

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