Saturday, July 11, 2009

Playing Dress-Up

It's still such a fun thing to do! Especially when it's not something you do very often, you can do it in something you made yourself, and you have a darling husband who likes to play dress up as much as you do. That is my goth Juney dress. I showed up at a friend's house just like that, only with a Tupperware container holding a homemade devil's food cake with real buttercream frosting, dusted with cocoa powder, decorated with fresh mint sprigs held in front of me. Yes. Really. Just like those '50's television shows. Of course it was done on purpose! Even better was the fact that my lovely friend Mara,(whose house we were actually going to for dinner) made me the adorably perfect flowered headband I have on in the picture. I was so tickled I may have squealed just a little. It's one of those things I think I may have to do more often, even if only to go to the grocery store.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.