Friday, August 10, 2018

Knitting, Sewing and a Quick Personal Update

I felted a bag!  And it looks like a bag! Not something that feels like it should have fangs and googly eyes!
It's the Big Boho Bag, (one of my favorite movies for scale).  It's simple, black and will actually hold my wallet as well as my knitting, not just one or the other.
I also cast on a dress, because that back lace panel!
Knitting up in KnitPicks Dishie, Jalapeno colorway.  It's actually been a really lovely knit.  It seems like it's going to be a slightly fancy tee shirt type dress that will get lots of wear.  I adjusted the gauge (and did math) so the cotton is working up in a way that is less stressful on my hands than usual while not being see through.
I may have splurged just a bit and gotten the Dolores kit...and her matching Rhinebeck outfit
At some point in the near future she will even get cast on.  Yes, it's a bit silly, but she's wonderful!

I got fabric for project bags.  I cobbled a design together in my head, still need to draft it out.
And celestial glow in the dark fabric for pajamas because it will make them awesome:

As to the quick personal update:

Husband is still away for work.  It's been seven solid months with no official end date in sight.  I may still avoid any conversation that involves being emotionally honest about how I am doing.  Meltdowns do not get laundry done nor bills paid.  An emotional breakdown is tentatively planned for no earlier than mid 2019.  I may have time then.

Helping both kids through yet more college paperwork and setting up their business stuff, (Daughter is now experimenting with yarn dyeing as well).
Always calming endeavors.

There is a reason I knit.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.