Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hot Water, Finished Objects,Arbitrary Goals, and Some Current Event Commentary

Around here we have squirrels.  Everywhere. They dig in the lawn and the flowers, herbs and food plant pots alike, peanuts found in the most unlikely spots on a regular basis.  A sprinkle of cayenne slows them down, but cayenne degrades rather quickly when left out in the elements.
We have dried arbol chiles in the pantry.  Half a handful were chucked, seeds and all, into a mortar and pestle.  After a bit of pulverizing, the chiles were dropped in a large container, with some dried rosemary, and doused in boiling water.
The resultant infusion will be strained, placed in a spray bottle, then have some neem oil added to it.  This combination should deter most bugs and critters.  We shall see.
The baby socks and hat have been completed and gifted.
My summer Autumn League pullover has also been finished:
Which means the arbitrary goal of fifteen projects completed for the year...was achieved before the end of June.
My brain has kindly supplied yet another arbitrary goal/time frame in which it seems to think I can finish another three sweaters.
From left to right they are: Shiny, Ripple Crop Top, and Special-T. (Shiny has been on the needles since late July 2018. I really do need to finish it)  Two weeks is totally reasonable right? 
The Ripple Crop Top actually went to Barbarian Brewing with me this weekend!

Two hundred percent of my previous annual goal? Sure! I can do that!  (Just have to skip some housework and sleep.) Of course, I've finished most of the smaller projects on my needles and there aren't many small items on my "to knit" list and at least two of the sweaters I want to finish this year (only one of which is on the needles) require a solid 1500 to 2000 yards of maybe aim for one hundred and fifty percent of the annual goal?  Totally reasonable.

As for current events; most of you probably saw something about an announcement on Ravelry. It was mentioned on various news outlets and late night talk shows.  The new policy is a step in the correct direction.  Ravelry is a private company (run by good people), this is totally valid.  I don't just stand with Ravelry though;  I stand even more with the Ravelers who reported those on the site being malicious, who pushed for action to be taken.  Speaking up is difficult; more so when you are personally threatened.  To all those that continue to speak up, to push, to fight; you are understandably tired, I hope you are safe, and thank you.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.