Sunday, July 14, 2019

I have some thoughts. It may get a bit swear-y.

A rather well-known white man in knitting circles, the Sockmatician, has behaved appallingly.  He posted things on Instagram against the BIPOC community that he needs to apologize for.  His husband proceeded to post ever more things that compounded the problem, including placing the blame on the BIPOC community for the Sockmatician's recent hospital stay.  At a fiber festival this weekend, when confronted by a Person Of Color about his post, Sockmatician apparently went on the attack, quite literally. ( I had this linked but have no desire to accidentally target the person he went after or the others involved.  You have internet, look it up if you must).

What the actual fuck?

He's a gay white man.  None of these things give him a pass to behave this way.

This is shit behavior.  It is not acceptable towards anyone,(though personally, I make exceptions for nazis and similar. Tolerance only stretches so far).
So, I shout into the black hole that is the internet, from my tiny, mostly unnoticed platform; " Don't be an asshole to people based on appearance(gender/race/religious garb/everything else I can't think of right now)!"
Help where you can, when you can.  Listen, don't assume you've got things right.  Be kind.  Be respectful.  Stand up to assholes.  My personal actions tend to be minor and local, as I rarely leave the house.  I donate to various people and organizations when I can.  I know it is not enough.  I will keep trying.

Knitting helps.

[A little context for those who don't know me personally so you know the perspective I am coming from. I grew up in Northern California in the '80's and early 90's. I am a white, cis-gendered woman, an introvert that is frequently socially awkward, who has been an active duty military spouse for the last twenty-two years.  Happily, he is now retired, (I got a lovely letter of appreciation.  It's in the back of a closet.)
What this really means is I can now speak my mind without repercussions to my husband's career, (please do not tell me this is not a thing, it very much has been, in my experience.)  Sadly, I am out of practice and rather angry so eloquence may not be achieved quite yet.]

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.