Tuesday, May 5, 2020


I over-planted.  Don't really care.  Some of them are heat tolerant sugar snap peas!
They are ready for their close up too.
The tayberry , that I thought had died over the winter before last (when we moved) seems to be coming back with enthusiasm.
The blueberry is putting forth its lovely blooms.
There are also beans, which, while not over exciting, do make me happy.
That is bird netting over everything.  We have a large bird and squirrel population who are quite fond of berries...and digging in my pots so seedlings are completely uprooted.  I've had to re-plant some things two or three times.  I am determined.  We will get to taste those berries this year!
Slightly less happy inducing was the first putting up of The Tent.  While it was bought with the intent of it fitting Husband easily, which it does, it is a bit large for what we had planned.  I still like a tent I can share with someone and not get endlessly kicked.
I've had to rip out and re-do the sleeves of the Hyde sweater I am making for Boy.  The second one is almost done, again.  Zoe is helping.
At some point, at least one of the projects I am working on will be completed...eventually.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.