Sunday, September 6, 2020

Things that take the edge off...sort least temporarily

 Unsurprisingly, I knit another sweater.  Another Felix pullover, it's my third.  This one in some Lion Brand Fishermen's wool I had in the Yarn Hoarde.

I started another Chuck sweater, this one for Daughter's birthday.  Also in yarn from the Hoarde; Northampton in the nebula colorway, edged in black Deerfield.  I realized yesterday as I was casting on that it's magpie colors.  When I mentioned that to Daughter, she squealed and grinned from ear to ear; Magpie is one of her Critters.

I've been drinking even more tea than usual, non-caffeinated by 5pm.  Usually a combination of Tension Tamer and Rose mint; by the quart.  Alcohol consumption has pretty much stopped.  Husband and I would split a bottle of wine or have a beer once, maybe twice a week (if it was a feeling fancy week).  Honestly, I drink mostly in social situations because it's an excuse for me being odd or weird...and people tend to stress me out.  It's not a great solution, but it is a socially acceptable one.  Knitting works almost the same way, though then a lot of people get the impression I am not paying attention. *sighs*  I'm not being rude, I am just not poisoning myself on your behalf and managing to make a sock at the same time while holding a conversation.  

The other thing, that has worked as long as I can remember, is reading.  Burying my nose in a novel grants (decidedly) temporary reprieve from my clenched stomach and agitated state.  I started the Magical Midlife series by K.F. Breene a couple of days ago.  Is it great literature?  No.  Is it nice to read about someone who is not in the same age range as my kids have exciting paranormal adventures and a magical house?  Yes!  (The main character is a 40 year old woman from California, who also happens to be an Aries with hazel eyes, making her much more relatable for me personally).  Sadly, there are only two books out and I am 65% through the second one already, in three days.  I did stop to read a Halloween novella in between them, just to try and stretch things out.  The third won't be out till November. *sighs*  Do I have more books to read?  Of course!  I just dislike waiting.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.