Saturday, September 12, 2020

Time to Work from the Hoarde

 I started keeping a notebook a short time ago in an effort to keep track of available potential knitting projects.   It's not fancy,  nor horribly well organized.  What it does do is help remind me what yarn was bought for what project as well as the wide selection already at hand.

There are 17 pages like the ones below.  This incomplete catalog has 144 different potential projects.

In fact, I recently did some (exceptionally) rough math to figure out how long it would take me to get through the project kits (that I put together myself) currently residing in the craft room.   Averaging fifteen completed projects a year (typically my average is about 20), not counting multiples I may make of a single pattern, there is a solid ten years of knitting.  Ten years y'all!  Not including most sock stuff or random fiber goodness just hanging out waiting to be useful, ( most from early knitting endeavors that didn't quite work.)  I used to make jokes that I was stashing yarn for a "retirement fund".   I think I'm good for a fair bit.

The knitting pattern library is even more extensive as it includes every tiny toy, freebie, book and magazine pattern compilation I have collected over the last almost twenty years.  Honestly, most aren't that great, frequently painfully dated or something I had plans to modify heavily until something closer to what I wanted came along.  Will I knit all of them?  Goodness no!  I have spent years curating, collecting, and buying yarn for the pieces that appeal to my personal aesthetic (i.e. member of the Addams family who has run off to live in the forest).  Are they all timeless, classic pieces?  Decidedly not.  Where would be the fun in that?  Are there more plant, raven and Halloween themed motifs than a fairly conventional closet?  Well, of course!

The best clothing is the stuff that makes you happy when you wear it.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.