Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Goji sprouts, knitting and a little fabric


Teeny, tiny, almost not there sprouts!  I soaked them in warm water before planting, like the instructions said, dropped them in dirt (couldn't really see where they ended up, those seeds are small), left the pot next to a big window and a heat vent.  Goji berry sprouts, in Idaho, in January.  I feel quite absurdly accomplished.

Managed to finish the first of the keep those joints warm fingerless mitts, winter gardening is a bit rough around here.  I pulled a couple of light fingering weight yarns out of the stash, one is alpaca, the other is wool, found a random free pattern that had sort of the right look/gauge and ran with it.

They are tightly knit and super warm!  The second one is already on the needles.

I've also made progress on the first Nott cowl:

Also knit at a super tight gauge, but with heavier yarn, so I can only manage about five rounds before my hands start to hurt.  Only three more to go, once this one is done.

I finished the body and front of one of four Ripple Crop Top Worsteds I have planned.  It's not really crop length.  The yarn is from Blue Moon Fiber Arts in their Ravenscroft colorway.

I've got one sleeve left on my second ( of five) Trescao tops.

Which I probably would have finished if I hadn't felt the need to cast on The Jumble Sale cardigan.  It is just the perfect thing to go with my Evelyn Carnahan  (scroll to the bottom)  inspired outfit(s).

The decision to put together said outfit is why there is now stripey fabric waiting to be washed:

The green will be a rather simple, self-drafted henley style top.  The striped stuff will be the ladies shirtwaist pattern.  As I already had this skirt pattern cut out (I'm adding pockets of course), appropriate shoes in my closet and accidently perfect eye glasses at hand, figured I may as well run with it, (I do absolutely adore the character).

I'm hoping the shirt pattern won't be too fussy to put together, as I would love lots of them.  Guess I will find out once the pattern actually gets here!  Not sure what buttons to put on the top yet either.  More pondering to do yet I suppose.

Of course this is the year I decide it's ideal to dress like an early 1920's adventuresome librarian.  Makes as much sense as anything thing else right now.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.