Sunday, June 14, 2020

90 Days

That is how long we have been doing the quarantine thing.  Every three weeks to a month, we go get groceries.  Our state is technically fully open for business, which really means most people think the whole pandemic thing is over and it's back to business as usual (almost no precautions taken).  There is no reason to believe this approach will have a good result.  We can stay home, so we do. (No one in the house has anything resembling a sleep schedule at this point. The only constant is dinner; served some time(eventually) between 6pm-8pm).
Happily, gardening continues, despite the weather insisting on punctuating summer weather with spring storms and temperatures.  (I actually had to turn on the heat this morning.)
The salad I continue to be able to harvest has been highly welcomed.
Nasturtium blossoms taste a bit like radishes.  Everyone enjoyed eating the blooms, which is good as there are lots more.
There are decent daily harvests of sugar snap peas and beans.

I'm working out of containers and apparently, accidentally did some chaos gardening.  (Which I didn't know was a thing till this morning).  It's really enjoyable!  At least if you don't mind not being sure what is where or even what is going to sprout.  I tried to start the season as a good, proper, organized gardener.  There are notebooks with types, planting dates, and success rates.  Seed trays were labelled and carefully transplanted.  Then...then the squirrels happened.  Seeds were flung everywhere.  Seedlings were hurriedly stuck back into, hopefully, the correct pots. Extra seeds were planted because it looked like the originals had been eaten.  So now there is salad growing...pretty much everywhere.  I have to hope that the sweet peppers and hot peppers were placed back in their proper pots, and there are twice as many pumpkin plants as I had planned.  Woohoo?
I've been taking a couple of classes from OSU's Professional and Continuing Education catalog.  I signed up for their Introduction to Urban Agriculture course this morning.  The others have been from their Master Gardener Short Course series. 
I re-cast Organized Chaos. (There seems to be a theme) The original, while pretty, met with a moth in just one crucial spot about two and a half years ago.  I only just had the heart to rip it out (the project had been sitting in the freezer for the last year and a half) and re-start it in a different yarn.
It has been super enjoyable to knit lace again!  Practical is wonderful, but not always as fun as a ridiculously huge, simple lace shawl.
Knitting on other things has been happening.  I just keep forgetting to take pictures.  Or I take pictures...and then forget to post them...or feel decidedly wrong about posting something that feels so very shallow during current events.
I have spent an embarrassing amount of time watching YouTube videos.  Good Life Permaculture.  Permaculture Magazine.  Bernadette Banner, (historical costuming).  And The Tarot Priest, one of the few readers I have found that really does seem to hit the mark (and I am really, really picky about that sort of thing).  I also watch an absurd number of people who do things with yarn, GG is wonderful, dunderknit is the swear-y one that even Husband enjoys, and the Knitters League is just fun, (if you're into yarn and things).
At some point, there will be proper summer weather allowing for more time outside, (or at least the backyard), till then I will keep my knitting inside and learn all I can to make the outside a better place to be.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.