Friday, June 26, 2020

I believe the correct title is "Plant Weirdo"

In case it hasn't been obvious, I have a bit of a thing for plants.  All. The. Plants.
When funds allow, I purchase all the varieties of favorite types of plants, like tomatoes, and any rare types, particularly of herbs, that I can get my green-stained, dirt covered hands on.
This year has been one of the first where I could buy interesting seeds and the dirt and containers to put them in, (for more than one type of plant).  Normally, it's tomatoes.  One variety, maybe two and then I am usually out of space and resources.  While I am sadly still restricted to containers, I may have planted more than a couple types of tomato.  I spend mornings and afternoons giddily bouncing between front and backyard; watering, picking, re-adjusting.  
I mean, I managed a blueberry!
And wee pumpkins!
There's also the squirrel planted snapdragons in the front:
Along with other wildflowers that while I don't know what they are, I enjoy very much!

There is also knitting.  Of the four projects I am currently working on, three are green:

Surprising to no one, the fourth one is black.  It's also garter stitch and not very exciting to look at quite yet.
All four of them can be worked on while I read.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.