Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I had a migraine yesterday that kicked my behind. It was a direct result from the copious amounts of junk food I ate last weekend. I knew it would get me, the oh so tasty electric colored, food dye flavored sprinkles in box mix cupcakes and more candy than I had eaten in 3 months. Hubby found a place in town that sells Coffee Crisps, by the case. Ouch.

I started trying to fix it yesterday. I slept like a rock last night. This morning as I was cracking my eye to peek at the clock (to find out it was later than it should be), a raven streaked past my window with a raucous cackle. I hopped out of bed to a quote from Jeebs in Men in Black 2 running through my head, "Let's make it happ'n Cap'n!" I finished getting ready to Where is the Love? by the Black Eyed Peas playing in my head. My breakfast of raw almond milk and museli is waiting, with fresh guacamole and flax seed crackers (homemade of course) for lunch.

Things are back in focus. Time to change the world.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.