Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thoughts moving too fast

Makes blogging about anything so very difficult.

There were the obnoxious, drunken, loud and slightly belligerent neighbors last weekend who decided that I didn't need to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. I really don't think 2 am is reasonable.

There's the fact that there are at least five people under the age of 14 in my house almost daily now. I'm happy my children have friends, just very much missing a peaceful afternoon.

The fact that with a little bit of urging from the lovely folks at Raw Fu, I bought three books I had been drooling on for months; The Square Foot Garden, The Four Season Harvest, and Ani's Raw Food Kitchen. Please note, none of them are knitting books. Yes, I am feeling fine, thank you.

I did break down and buy a vintage dress pattern. It's a cocktail dress a la 1958 and very Mrs. Robinson sexy. Made in dark green silk, I should be able to stop traffic.

I have also been trying to find ideas on being green and frugal. This would work so much better if I didn't already apply so many in my household.
I don't have a clothesline, our HOA forbids them. Apparently this is because homeowners struggling to pay their electric bills are more aesthetically pleasing than said clothesline. I've been thinking a folding drying rack out of sight on the back porch might be acceptable. I did run around changing out old light bulbs to the cfls that had been stashed in a closet "for later". Most of what I've been finding and using is a combination of current energy saving ideas and World War 2 "make do and mend" ideas. They mesh surprisingly well, where they don't overlap entirely. Just makes me feel decidedly old-fashioned, people thought I was weird before.

I just console myself with things like raw chocolate chip cookies.

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.