Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter, if you celebrate...

If you don't, a very convivial Sunday in April to you! (To lightly paraphrase a Deadpool quote.)

We are not church going folk, so our Easter celebrations tend to be more of a celebration of Spring.  Joy in weather that is not literally freezing.  In the new seeds making their appearances.
Nasturtiums that will get everywhere, blooming with bright pops of orange, cream  and blood red against big vibrant green leaves.
Where I dumped the last of the old seed flower mix.  I know there are California poppies in there, not a clue as to what else decided to actually sprout.
One of the root crops I put in is already making an appearance.  I think that's where I planted the beets?
The blueberry bush has been showing its happiness at the bright sunshine and warmer temperatures.

Enjoy your day as best as you are able.  Take a virtual garden tour if you can't get outside.  I am rather partial to Kew Gardens myself. :-D

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Started a new blog

  Oooh Shiny! is now on WordPress.  There isn't much there yet, but I will work on that.